to process library items tagged with barcodes or RFID tags, the 3M
Mobile Staff Workstation commmunicates with your ILS over a wireless
network — enabling you to perform crucial tasks while away from the
main desk
- Expedite
checkout for a customer waiting in a long line with only a few items.
Provide the customer with a receipt (with optional printer) or email a
copy to them as they head out the door. Force a checkout of an item
that is blocked during a self-service transaction. (Check ILS provider
to ensure compatibility).
- Quickly
check in a customer’s DVDs to avoid a block at the check out line for
exceeding the loan limit.
- Force
a check out of an item that is blocked during a self-service transaction
- Quickly
check in a customer's items
- Query
account status for customers
- Quickly
review the status of an item
- Able
to change the security status of an item